Welcome to omniforms’s documentation!

Omni forms is a simple form builder written in Python and built on the Django web framework.

Omniforms ships with integrations for the Django and WagtailCMS admin interfaces allowing you to easily create and manage user facing forms for your django website.

Project Aims

The Omniforms application aims to provide functionality by which user facing forms can be built and maintained through administration interfaces provided by the Django and Wagtail projects.

The application aims to be user friendly, developer friendly, extensible and pragmatic. All forms generated using this application are subclasses of either django.forms.Form or django.forms.ModelForm meaning developers are ultimately working with a forms library that is both familiar and predictable.


The Omniforms application ships with 2 concrete OmniForm model classes:

  • omniforms.models.OmniForm
  • omniforms.models.OmniModelForm

Each of these models contains a title field (used for administration) and references to zero of more OmniField and OmniFormHandler model instances. In addition to these fields the OmniModelForm model holds a reference to the ContentType that the form manages.

Each of the concrete OmniForm models provides a get_form_class instance method which will generate and return an appropriate form class. This form classes fields will be built from all of the associated OmniField instances. In addition the form will be constructed in such a way that all associated OmniFormHandler instances will be run when the form instances handle method is called.


Basic form example:

from django import forms
from omniforms.models import OmniForm

# Get an OmniForm model instance
omniform_instance = OmniForm.objects.get(pk=1)

# Generate a django form class from the OmniForm instance
form_class = omniform_instance.get_form_class()
assert issubclass(form_class, forms.Form)

# Work with the form class as per any other django form
form = form_class(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
   # Call the forms 'handle' method (runs defined form handlers)

Model form example:

from django import forms
from omniforms.models import OmniModelForm

# Get an OmniModelForm model instance
omniform_instance = OmniModelForm.objects.get(pk=1)

# Generate a django form class from the OmniModelForm instance
form_class = omniform_instance.get_form_class()
assert issubclass(form_class, forms.ModelForm)

# Work with the form class as per any other django form
form = form_class(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
   # Call the forms 'handle' method (runs defined form handlers)

The library does not intend to dictate how generated forms should be used. This is left as an exercise for developers.


Omniforms is compatible with:

  • Django 1.11
  • Wagtail 1.11, 1.12, 1.13

Below are some useful links to help you get started with Omniforms.